Стационарные системы считывания кодов / SIMATIC MV500



SIMATIC MV540 S optical reader Resolution: 800 x 600 pixels, Function: 1D/2D code reading; Image field and distance: variable, (ABH lens object); PoE; IP67 with 6GF3540-8AC11; Delivery: Reader and SD card adapter;

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SIMATIC MV540 H optical reader Resolution: 1280 x 1024 pixels; Function: 1D/2D code reading; Image field and distance: variable, (ABH lens object); PoE; IP67 with 6GF3540-8AC11; Delivery: Reader and SD card adapter

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SIMATIC MV550 S optical reader Resolution: 800x600 px; 2-fold Ethernet: 100 MB(POE),GigE !No switch => data disconnection!; Function: 1D/2D code reading; Image field and distance: Variable (dep. on lens); PoE; IP67 with 6GF3540-8AC11; Delivery: Reader and SD card adapter (w/o card);

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SIMATIC MV550 H optical reader Resolut.:1280x1024Px; PN and GigE; 2-fold Ethernet: 100 MB(POE),GigE !no switch=>data separation!; Function: 1D/2D code reading; Image field and distance: Variable (dep. on lens); PoE; IP67 with 6GF3540-8AC11; Delivery: Reader and SD card adapter (w/o card);

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SIMATIC MV560 X optical reader Resolution: 2592 x 2048 pixels; Maximum processing and communication speed; Function: 1D/2D code reading; Image field and distance: variable (lens); PoE; IP67 with 6GF3540-8ADxx; Delivery: reader;

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SIMATIC MV560 U optical reader Resolution: 1920 x 1200 pixels; Maximum processing and communication speed; Function: 1D/2D code reading; Image field and distance: variable, (lens); PoE; IP67 with 6GF3540-8AC12; Delivery: reader; B enable => VS enable

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